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By creating a dominant culture under the influence of universal values in today’s global world, we can form awareness towards today’s life. It is quite natural that societies living on lands determined by borders are different from one another according to their languages, cultures, religions, races, nations etc. Moreover, all these differences make the communities more colorful, richer as a cultural factor. We shouldn’t think that differences cause problems. On the contrary, we should live our lives in the fascinating harmony of differences. But we shouldn’t be obsessed with our differences in societies and instead we should focus on our similarities.  By studying and appreciating the identity of each nation, its culture, we can learn from the past and build for the future,  respecting each other’s culture and traditions. The partnership will bring Europe closer to the pupils, their families and friends and it will raise everyone’s awareness of European cultures and traditions.


On television in Belgium, October 2011: www.notele.be/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15891&Itemid=31